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Player's Secrets of Stjordvik
Item code: TSR3127
Type: Domain Sourcebook
Release: 1996
Author: Doug Stewart
Editing: David Eckelberry
Creative Direction: Karen S. Boomgarden
Cover Art: Tony Szczudlo
Interior Art: John Dollar
Page Backgrounds: Starr Mahoney
Cartography: Rob Lazzaretti
Art Direction: Bob Galica
Format: Fold-out cover,
32-page booklet
Print Runs:      First (1996)
Rarity: Common
Value @NrMint: $3
ISBN: 0-7869-0421-6
Cover Price: $7.95 U.S.
Weight: 125 grams
Dimensions: width: 21.5 cm
height: 27.5 cm
depth: 0.3 cm

Collectors value: Shrinkwrapped items add 25% to their base value.

"Stjordvik is a dmoain teetering on the brink of economic collapse, but rich in resources that could inject fresh life into the royal treasury. The land is politically fragmented by provincial jarls who go their own way rather than heed their king, but at the same time populated by freemen who disdain those petty power-seekers. For centuries the Great Oak Wall along the northern and western borders of Stjordvik has kept the orogs of the Blood Skull Barony and the barbarians of Rjuvik at bay, but now the barrier is near collapse in many places—and if it goes down, so goes Stjordvik.

As the new ruler of this old and proud kingdom of warriors, it is your job to suppress the other jarls and unite the provinces; to build up the army and the treasury by drawing upon the support of the freemen; and shore up the weak spots in the Great Oak Wall before a horde of invaders can destroy everything you have worked for. Your fate and the fate of Stjordvik are intertwined—what will that fate be?

This BIRTHRIGHT™ domain sourcebook, the second product covering one of the domains in the Rjurik Highlands, is designed for players who want to take the role of the King of Stjordvik. It may also be used by plaery portraying nobles, vassals of the regent, freemen, or adventurers from this domain."

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