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7th printing

Item code: TSR2009
Type: Core Rules
Release: 1983
Author: E. Gary Gygax
Cover Art: Jeff Easley
Interior Illustrations: D.A. Trampier
Tom Wham
David C. Sutherland III
Jean Wells
Format: Hardcover book
112 pages
Print Runs: → 7th (1983)
8th (?)
9th (August 1987)
10th (November 1987)
11th (1987/88)
12th (1987/88)
13th (1987/88)
14th (November 88)
15th (July 1989)
Rarity: Common
Value@NrMint: $10
ISBN: 0-935696-00-8
Price: na
Weight: 550 grams
Dimensions: Width: 22 cm;
Height: 28,5 cm;
Depth: 1,3 cm
Collectors arcana: The interior still lists Dave Sutherland as cover artist. This is incorrect, the cover of the orange spine version of Monster Manual is an Easley. This item was not released in shrink wrap.

"'this is the original source used by Dungeon Masters and players to create challenges and combat scenarios'

Within the covers of this book lurk the monsters that made the AD&D™ game famous. Elves, dwarves, dragons, orcs, ghosts and werewolves come to life as you read their detailed descriptions. In fact, each individual listing has all the necessary informationto perform special attacks, defenses and magical resistance.
No adventurer can be without it!"

Printing information

7th Printing: A 7th printing is identified by looking at the copyright page: It states - incorrectly - "4th Edition, August 1979". Contrary to an 8th printing, the last page of a 7th printing does have a TSR product catalog. Also, no price is displayed on the back cover.

(see picture on top of page)

8th Printing: A 8th printing is identified by looking at the copyright page: It states - incorrectly - "4th Edition, August 1979". Contrary to a 7th printing, the last page of a 7th printing is blank, save a TSR angled logo. Also, the price is now displayed on the back cover.

(see picture on top of page)

9th to 15th Printing: The 9th and following printings can be identified by looking at the copyright page:

9th printing: August 1987
10th printing: November 1987
11th printing: ?
12th printing: ?
13th printing: ?
14th printing: November 1988
15th printing: July 1989

(see picture on top of page)
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Impressum (Imprint)